16.01.16, 13:12

A criminal case initiated on using violence against Syuzanna Gevorgyan

A criminal case initiated on using violence against Syuzanna Gevorgyan

A criminal case was initiated in Arabkir Investigative Division of the RA Investigative Committee on using violence against Syuzanna Gevorgyan.

The materials prepared on the base of the report submitted by S. Gevorgyan to a police station on January 5 were received in Arabkir Investigative Division.

According to the report on January 5, 2016 at about 19:20 two unidentified persons attacked her at 1, Komitas, pushed her to the ground and hit her on different parts of her body and on her face inflicting bodily damages.

Forensic medical examination was commissioned and according to its result bodily injuries were found on S. Gevorgyan’s body caused by a blunt rigid item. According to the experts, in the result of the injuries S. Gevorgyan was inflicted light damage which caused short-term health disorder.

Through additional explanation Syuzanna Gevorgyan insisted on her complaint.

Considering that there is sufficient ground and legal reason to initiate a criminal case, on January 15 a criminal case was initiated in Arabkir Investigative Division according to the Article 117 of RA Criminal Code.

Necessary investigatory actions were conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of the circumstances of the case.

The relevant subdivisions of the police were instructed to take necessary operative-intelligence measures to identify the person (persons) having committed the apparent crime and bring them to investigative body.