31.03.16, 14:05

Stole antique items of bronze-age period of particularly historical, cultural value; a criminal case initiated

Stole antique items of bronze-age period of particularly historical, cultural value; a criminal case initiated

A criminal case was initiated in Syuniq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee on stealing antique items of bronze-age period of particularly historical, cultural value.

According to preliminary investigation data, in February-March, 2016 one of the residents of Kapan through metal finder found antique bronze jewelry and other antique items at the area of settlement «Shinategh», which is a monument of national importance, and stole them.  

During investigation the resident presented different items which are jewelry of Luristan culture of the 2-3d millennium – bronze-age, particularly, bronze tinklers, bowls, tongs, handles, ceremonial ornaments, wedges, dagger, dagger cases, tripod trinkets, bracelets, bulletproof vest parts, statuettes and other items.

A criminal case was initiated in Syuniq Regional Investigative Department according to the Article 180 of RA Criminal Code (theft of items of particularly value) and necessary investigatory and procedural measures are taken to find all the circumstances of the case. In the framework of the criminal case searches were conducted in the order defined by law in the result of which more than six dozen of items of particularly historical, cultural value were found.

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.