13.08.15, 12:32

Necessary investigatory actions conducted to provide the comprehensive and objective examination of circumstances of death of the woman who had just given birth and her newborn daughter

Necessary investigatory actions conducted to provide the comprehensive and objective examination of circumstances of death of the woman who had just given birth and her newborn daughter

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee necessary investigatory and procedural actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive and objective examination of circumstances of death of the woman who had just given birth, Mary Margaryan and her newborn daughter in the result of which an appropriate legal assessment will be given.

It was earlier informed that Mary Margaryan who had been taken to “Erebuni” medical center with pneumonia of “HELLP syndrome on July 27, after caesarean section, died on July 29, 2015 and her newborn daughter died on the next day.

A criminal case was initiated according to the Part 2 of the Article 130 of RA Criminal Code (Failure to implement or improper implementation of professional duties by medical and support personnel which negligently caused the patient’s death). The preliminary investigation of the case is conducted in Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee.

In the framework of the criminal case Mary Margaryan and her newborn baby were found an injured party, Mary Margaryan’s father Vaghinak Margaryan was appointed their legal successor.

Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that according to Mary Margaryan’s medical certificate of cause of death the direct pathological condition of death was multi organ failure caused by bilateral pneumonia, heavy coagulopathy, hepatosplenomegalia.

Forensic medical examinations were appointed, Mary Margaryan’s history of disease and pregnancy card were confiscated from “Shengavit” medical center and were given to forensic expert, records of the reception of “Shengavit” medical center, gynecological patients, somatic patients, as well as rejection records of reception were inspected.

A number of persons were interrogated, including the relatives of the victim Mary Margaryan, her friend, the surgeon and obstetrician-gynecologist of General Surgery Department. 

The mobile phones used by the victim Mary Margaryan and her friend were inspected.Voluminous investigatory actions are being conducted to provide the objective and comprehensive examination f the case.

Additional information on legal assessments, procedural decisions made on the base of the obtained evidence will be provided.