17.09.15, 14:31

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on death of the woman, who had just given birth, ongoing; results of forensic examinations of bodies received

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on death of the woman, who had just given birth, ongoing; results of forensic examinations of bodies received

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on Mary Margaryan’s death is ongoing in Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee. Measures are taken to provide the objective and comprehensive investigation of circumstances of death of Mary Margaryan and her newborn daughter.

Taking the public interest into consideration, we inform that the results of forensic examinations appointed to find the causes of death have been received.

According to the result of forensic examination M. Margaryan’s death was caused by multiple organ failure conditioned by pregnancy anemia and water shortage, acute respiratory infection, hypothermic syndrome, interstitial pneumonia, hemofagocitar syndrome, hepato-splenomegalism, thrombocytopenia,   strict suppression of eritrocariocite and granulation series in bone marrow, coagulopathy, deep suppression of spleen follicular structure, development of HELLP syndrome, severe dystrophy of hepatocytes and diffuse necroses, focal and segmental necroses of kidneys, diffuse tubular necrosis, severe myocardial dystrophy, severe  coagulopathy, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, numerous dotted and merged hemorrhages on the skin and internal organs, dural, subdural,  small and big fresh, subarachnoid and inter-torsion small and fresh hemorrhagic centers, anasarka recorded at 35-36 weeks of pregnancy.

Mary Margaryan suffered from these syndromes while she was alive which caused her death. 

According to the result of forensic examination of the newborn baby’s body the newborn child died on July 30 at 12:10. The death was caused by lung and brain swelling conditioned by primary congenital immunodeficiency with 3-4 degree involution of thymus.

The result of forensic examination appointed to find the possible medical error while providing the woman and her daughter with medical assistance has not been received yet.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Additional information on the results of investigation will be provided.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.