20.03.24, 10:37

Criminal Proceedings on Crimes Committed against Minors Initiated as well as Sent to Court Increased in 2023; Summery

Criminal Proceedings on Crimes Committed against Minors Initiated as well as Sent to Court Increased in 2023; Summery

General criminal-legal process of crimes committed against minors the previous year has been summed up at the RA Investigative Committee.

According to it, in 2023 1159 criminal proceedings on crimes committed against minors has been investigated in the proceeding of the Committee in 2023 as compared with 545 proceedings of the previous year.

So, within one year, there has been about 112% increase in the above-mentioned crimes or cases containing similar apparently criminal elements.

Along with it, the number of the proceedings sent to court has also increased. Thus, 78 of 1189 criminal proceedings initiated in 2023 have been completed with the bill of indictment and on 82 people sent to court (in 2022 66 proceedings on 73 people were sent to court).

29 or 35% of the mentioned 82 defendants within the proceedings sent to court were family members of the minor victim, 2 - guardian, trustee, 1 – employee of a medical facility. The rest of the crimes have been committed by other people.

Out of the proceedings sent to court

  • 1 was investigated on murder,
  • 7 – on infliction of damage of various gravity to health,
  • 4 – on kidnapping,
  • 1 – on illegal deprivation of freedom,
  • 10 – on physical impact,
  • 14 – on sexual acts,
  • 1 – on sale or purchase of child for the purpose of taking up care,
  • 40 – on other cases.

Within the proceedings sent to court 91 minors have been found the victim.

  • 35 of them were up to 12 years old,
  • 17 – between 12 and 14,
  • 19 – between 14 and 16,
  • 20 – between 16 and 18..

522 criminal proceedings investigated in 2023 have been terminated, 450 of which on rehabilitative, 71 – on non-rehabilitative, 1 – on other base.

Procedural and evidentiary actions within 151 proceedings have been completed, 9 criminal proceedings have been sent according to subordination, 36 have been combined.

Investigation of 363 criminal proceedings has been transferred to 2024.

Criminal protection of the legal interests of the child is one of the absolute priorities of the RA Investigative Committee. The impartial and comprehensive investigation of crimes committed against minors, also in the context of preventing criminal harassment against them, is always in the center of attention of the Committee.