05.09.18, 13:06

Leaders of Investigative Committee Met Public Monitoring Group (Photos)

Leaders of Investigative Committee Met Public Monitoring Group (Photos)

On September 5 the first meeting with the public monitoring group headed by the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan was held.

On July 4 an announcement on formation of public monitoring group was disseminated by the RA Investigative Committee. The public monitoring group will have an opportunity to examine the materials of disputable criminal cases on servicemen’s death and present an appropriate conclusion to the public.

During the first meeting with the public monitoring group the RA IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan expressed gratitude to nongovernmental organizations for responding to the announcement of the Investigative Committee and showing interest in being involved in monitoring group.

“I want all of us to realize and to be confident that we are not on opposite sides of barricades and the only goal of ours is to reveal people within each criminal case and subject those responsible to liability.

The investigator is an interested party in the disclosure of the case. At the same time, I realize that within separate criminal cases the public has undispelled doubts and this is the reason that a public monitoring group has been formed by our initiative”, emphasized the IC Chairman.

The Chairman of the Investigative Committee noticed that in recent years there has been some positive progress in disclosure of crimes at the same time emphasizing the shortcomings.

During the meeting with the public monitoring group in addition to other issues a number of cases on death that took place during military service in previous years and the public has undispelled doubts about their investigation were discussed, as well.

An agreement was reached to organize the next meeting within the next ten days during which the nongovernmental organizations will present their proposals on organization of the group work.

Let us mention that the members of nongovernmental organizations who had responded to the announcement disseminated earlier by the Investigative Committee were involved in the public monitoring group.