30.11.16, 10:23

More than a dozen of dwelling thefts revealed in Kotayq; RA IC Chairman awarded for professional work (Photos)

More than a dozen of dwelling thefts revealed in Kotayq; RA IC Chairman awarded for professional work (Photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan signed orders on awarding the employees who showed high professionalism in disclosure of a number of dwelling thefts recorded in Kotayq region.

On March 24, 2016 a call on theft committed in one of the flats of Kentron district of Hrazdan town was received; the person having committed the apparent crime had stolen golden jewelry and cash of different currencies inflicting the citizen property damage of about 2.5 million AMD.

A criminal case was initiated in Kotayq Regional Investigative Department and necessary investigatory actions were conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation, to reveal the crime. In the result of efficient cooperation with operative service of Hrazdan Division of the Police the person having committed the apparent crime was identified, the stolen goods were found.

In the result of planning the investigatory actions in a correct way, as well as professionalism shown by the investigator during the investigation other cases of dwelling thefts committed by the same persons – 17 counts were also revealed, the stolen goods were found and those affected were compensated the damage inflicted by crime.  

“In case the crimes, in this case thefts are not revealed, atmosphere of anxiety, cautiousness, fear is formed in the society which can be dispelled in the result of their disclosure. In the result of your professional and hard work you returned trust to the citizens affected by the crime, you restored the social justice”, said the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan awarding for conscientious work.  

By the orders of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee senior investigator of Kotayq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee Sergey Yeritsyan was awarded a medal of “Loyalty and Intrepidity” for revealing about two dozens of thefts in the result of comprehensive, objective and complete investigation and compensating the damage caused to those affected. Deputy Head of Hrazdan Division of the RA Police was awarded a medal “For Cooperation”.

“Joint work always will have results”, emphasized the RA IC Chairman and assessed highly the hard work performed in revealing crimes by the employees of Kotayq Regional Investigative Department.