15.01.16, 14:02

Preliminary investigation of 6 criminal cases on voting instead of another person during referendum investigated in RA Investigative Committee completed

Preliminary investigation of 6 criminal cases on voting instead of another person during referendum investigated in RA Investigative Committee completed

As of January 15, 2016 preliminary investigation of 6 out of 32 criminal cases investigated in territorial subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee initiated on breaches recorded during referendum on Constitutional reforms held on December 6, 2015 was completed.

5 of 6 criminal cases on 5 defendants were sent to prosecutors supervising the legality of preliminary investigation. The mentioned criminal cases are related to cases of voting instead of other persons in polling stations N 8/08, 8/25, 10/15, 10/14, 2/32 in Yerevan; in the result of investigation charge was pressed against 5 persons; 3 of them are members of precinct electoral commissions.

Proceeding of 1 criminal case was terminated on the base of absence of crime.

26 criminal cases are currently investigated in the proceeding of the Investigative Committee.

Necessary investigatory and procedural actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of each criminal case, voter lists, voting registers of different polling stations were confiscated due to need, expertise were commissioned to find circumstances significant for the cases.

Additional information on legal assessments and procedural decisions made on the base of investigation results will be periodically provided by the Investigative Committee.