28.03.19, 06:46

IC Chairman Receive ELARD President (photos)

IC Chairman Receive ELARD President (photos)

The Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee Hayk Grigoryan received the President of ELARD Ramez Kayal and the coordinator of company's expert group Ricardo Khoury.

During the meeting the terms and scheduled actions of comprehensive study commissioned to assess the risks of environmental impact during exploitation and post-exploitation of Amulsar Gold Mine, as well as to clarify other significant issues were discussed in details.

IC Chairman emphasized that the study should be unbiased. «We expect an unbiased, perfect study carried out at a high level which should give all answers to our questions and should not raise any doubt», said Hayk Grigoryan.

IC Chairman mentioned the significance of the results of the study for the Republic of Armenia and emphasized that the entire process will be in the focus of his attention.

Hayk Grigoryan stated that he will be in everyday touch with the expert group to be aware of the work process.

President of ELARD Ramez Kayal assured that an excellent service will be provided. «We realize the significance of this study. I assure that our conclusion will be objective. I would like to mention that we have participated in tender announced for the study being sure that we are going to work without any interference», said Ramez Kayal.

By the instruction of IC Chairman Hayk Grigoryan the working meeting with the representatives of ELARD went on headed by IC Deputy Chairman, Head of General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases Samvel Avetisyan, Chief of IC Administration Aram Nikoyan, head of the investigatory group Yura Ivanyan where a number of working issues were discussed, as well.

We remind that on November 8, 2018 within the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee prequalification process of international independent study for assessment of environmental and social impact of Amulsar Gold Mine exploitation was announced.

Several international professional companies had submitted applications for tender. As a result, preference was given to «Earth Link & Advanced Resources Development» (ELARD) which signed a contract with Investigative Committee on carrying out the comprehensive study commissioned within the criminal case investigated in IC General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases to assess the risks of environmental impact during exploitation and post-exploitation of Amulsar Gold Mine, as well as to study the assessment reports on environmental and social impact made for the mine exploitation.

It was earlier informed that a criminal case was initiated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee on willful concealing of information about pollution of environment by officials of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection.

A report was received in the RA Investigative Committee from a citizen on pollution of environment related to exploitation of mine of gold-bearing quartzite of Amulsar by “Lydian Armenia” CJSC.

It was found out that “Geoteam” CJSC which later was renamed as “Lydian Armenia” CJSC submitted to “Environmental Impact Assessment Center” SNCO of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection  a report on environmental impact assessment of Amulsar gold mine project located at the administrative area of the RA Vayots Dzor and Syunik provinces. Based on it, on April 29, 2016 a positive conclusion of environmental impact was given by the mentioned SNCO.

Whereas, during preparation of materials data were obtained on the allegation that the relevant officials of the RA Ministry of Nature Protection being informed about dangerous risks of chemical pollution of environment in case the mentioned mine complex is exploited, willfully concealed from the population the information about pollution of environment with chemical materials dangerous for people’s life and health.

Considering that in the prepared materials there are apparent crime elements envisaged by the Part 1 of the Article 282 of RA Criminal Code today a criminal case was initiated in the RA IC General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases. An investigatory plan has been worked out and necessary investigatory actions are conducted to provide the comprehensive, complete and objective investigation of the case.