03.01.25, 12:07

Pecuniary Damage in Particularly Large Amount – 7 Million 500 Thousand AMD Caused to State as a Result of Improper Performance of Official Duties Committed by SNCO Director

Pecuniary Damage in Particularly Large Amount – 7 Million 500 Thousand AMD Caused to State as a Result of Improper Performance of Official Duties Committed by SNCO Director

D.A., holding the position of the director of “National Center of the Provision of Medicines and Medical Supplies” SNCO of the RA Ministry of Health, being obliged to properly implement the receipt of medicines and medical products purchased by the RA Ministry of Health, without organizing proper handover and acceptance procedures, on June 17, 2020 signed electronic tax invoices on receiving 200 oxygen therapy devices supplied by a business organization. Based on them 75 million AMD was transferred to the organization by the Ministry of Health.  

As a result of improper performance of his official duties by D.A., the distribution of 200 oxygen therapy devices purchased by the Ministry of Health to medical institutions operating in the Republic of Armenia was not documented by SNCO employees, no proper accounting was conducted, which led to the loss of 20 of the aforementioned devices.

Thus, pecuniary damage in particularly large amount – 7 million 500 thousand AMD was caused to the state, as well as in the period of implementation of state program “Comprehensive measures for the prevention, control, treatment and other measures for the new coronavirus infection in the R A”, the medical centers did not receive the specified number of oxygen devices.

Public criminal prosecution was initiated against D.A. according to the Part 2 of the Article 315 of RA Criminal Code adopted on 18.04.2003.

Absence ban was appiled as a pretrial measure against D.A..

The criminal proceeding with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.