29.08.18, 14:39

Arman Mkrtumyan Found Injured Party, Searches Conducted

Arman Mkrtumyan Found Injured Party, Searches Conducted

Investigatory actions of great volume are ongoing within the criminal case investigated in Abovyan Investigative Division of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of the assault committed in Dzoraghbyur.

It was earlier informed that on August 28, 2018 at about 22:00 three masked and armed people entered the area of the house of the former President of the RA Cassation Court Arman Mkrtumyan located in Dzoraghbyur village of Kotayk province. In the result of resistance by father and son Mkrtumyans one of those having committed the alleged crime was neutralized, the other two fled firing random shots from a pistol.

A criminal case was initiated in Abovyan Division of Kotayk Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Points 1, 3 and 4 of the Part 2 of the Article 175, the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code.

The neutralized person, who is a resident of Shirak, was arrested. Through inspection of the scene capsules, one pistol charged with bullets were found and confiscated.

Pursuant to initial data the mentioned pistol was with the person having committed the alleged crime who was neutralized.

In the result of the incident A. Mkrtumyan sustained an injury; according to the medical certificate given to the investigative body “firearm intermittent injury on the left buttocks of the left lumber region, firearm tangential injury on the lower tertiary of the left buttocks” was diagnosed. Arman Mkrtumyan was found the injured party.

An investigatory plan was worked out and necessary actions are conducted to find out all circumstances of the case, to find those involved in the apparent assault.

The videos captured by the cameras at the area of the house of the injured were confiscated.

The relevant subdivisions of the police were tasked to find out whether there are cameras at the neighboring areas and provide the investigative body with the videos to find out the route of the armed persons. Searches were conducted as prescribed by law.

In the result of urgent investigatory and operative-searching measures taken in the framework of the criminal case a number of circumstances significant for the criminal case were found out which shall not be published at this stage of preliminary investigation out of interests of the investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.