
The procedures for the reception of citizens in the RA Investigative Committee, acceptance and consideration of applications, complaints are defined by the order No. 146-L of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee "On approving the procedure of reception of citizens in the RA Investigative Committee".

1. In this order, the process of organization of reception in the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the Committee), initiated by citizens, is defined.

2. The reception of the citizens in the Central Office of the Committee is conducted by the Committee’s Chairman, Deputies Chairman, Secretary General, Head of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments, and in other basic professional structural subdivisions it is conducted by the heads of these subdivisions within the time limits set by the schedule.
The schedule for the reception of citizens in the Central Office is approved by the Chairman of the Committee, in other basic professional structural subdivisions – by the heads of the subdivisions, submitted by the subdivisions defined by the Point 3 of this order.

3.The reception of citizens in the Central Office of the Committee is organized by the Division of Visa and Reception of Citizens, in other basic structural subdivisions – by professional support units (hereinafter collectively referred to as Units) of these subdivisions.

4.Citizens submit an application for being involved in the waiting list for reception. The applicant’s data (passport data, phone number, electronic post, address), data of the official who the applicant would like  to meet and a brief description of the issue(s) presented within the framework of the reception must be indicated in the application

5.Applications submitted by citizens for the purpose of being involved in the waiting list are registered according to the procedure established by the Committee's clerkship. The application for being involved in the waiting list is transferred by the administrative unit to the relevant unit through the electronic document circulation system.  

6.The units discuss the applications of citizens who want to be on the waiting list with the official who receives them after which queuing is performed according to the schedule defined by the Point 2 of this order. The data on queuing are filled in the electronic register book of the reception of citizens in the RA Investigative Committee.  

7.At the same time as the citizen is registered, he/she is informed of the day, time of the reception, and if necessary or known in advance, he/she is informed of the position, name and surname of the official receiving the citizen.

8.Being involved in the waiting list can be rejected if

1) the presented issue or demand is clearly beyond the scope of the Committee's jurisdiction,
2) regarding the presented issue, the citizen has already been received by the official whose admission queue he is applying for,
3) the citizen has submitted an application, a complaint to the Committee regarding the presented issue.

9.In cases specified in the Point 8 of this order, the citizen is informed in writing or orally of the reason for rejecting the waiting list.

10.Those citizens can be involved in waiting list for reception to the Chairman of the Committee who at least once had been received by the Deputy Chairman coordinating the Chairman’s sphere, or the Head of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments, or Secretary General of the Committee, according to the procedure defined in this order, however the results of the meeting were considered not sufficient.

11.While involving the citizens in the waiting list, the duration of the reception is, as a rule, 30 minutes.

12.Depending on the urgency of the issue the reception of the citizen can be organized without queuing or off schedule, with agreement of the official who is going to conduct the reception.

13.The reception of those who have taken part in the combat operations for the defense of the homeland and family members of the victims, minors, pregnant women, elderly and  disabled persons, is organized on an extraordinary basis.

14.The foreigners or persons who have not citizenship can also be on the waiting list for reception.

15.The reception is organized upon presentation of identification document about which the citizen is informed in advance.

16.In case of impossibility of reception by the officials mentioned in the Point 2 of this order, the receptions are conducted with their agreement by other officials.

17.The schedules provided for in the Point 2 of this order, their changes are published by the units in the administrative buildings of the respective subdivisions in an accessible and visible place for citizens, as well as on the official site of the Committee.

18.In case the reception is delayed, the waiting citizens are informed in advance by the units through possible means of communication.

19.Adequate rooms can be provided for reception arrangements, in case it is impossible, the reception can be carried out in the room of the mentioned official.

20.In order to process the issue raised by the citizen during the reception, the competent official can take a written application from him.

21.The words "Hand in hand from reception" are marked on the applications submitted during the reception. The applications are submitted according to the procedure established by the Committee's clerkship.

22.A record can be drawn up and approved at the initiative of a citizen or an official conducting reception on the issue presented during the reception, discussions conducted within the framework of the reception, further events, the position of the official and other information.

23The employee of the relevant unit also participates in the reception, who makes a record of the results of the discussion of the issue presented during the reception in the column "A brief description of the response given during reception".