27.06.18, 09:58

Charge Pressed against Coach of «Shirak» Football Club

Charge Pressed against Coach of «Shirak» Football Club

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Malatia-Sebastia administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee charge was pressed against the coaching director of «Shirak» football club for bribing the footballer of «Banants» football club.

Through preliminary investigation actual data were obtained on the allegation that on May 3, 2018 the coaching director of «Shirak» football club A. Harutyunyan met the professional footballer of «Banants» football club Edward Kpodo and offered him a bribe for making mistakes at «Banants»-«Shirak» match scheduled on May 5 and losing the game. They met in A. Harutyunyan's car near one of the supermarkets operating at the area of Malatia-Sebastia administrative district.  

Pursuant to investigation data, A. Harutyunyan offered 5.000 USD to the footballer of the opponent club who had formerly played for «Shirak» football club for losing the game 1.000 USD of which he gave on the same day as a deposit and promised to give the rest of the money at the end of the match after it was lost. The footballer took the money then told the administration of «Banants» club about it. The footballer told that he had taken the money as «Shirak» football club owed him money for unpaid bonuses. In order to present facts the latter communicated with the coaching director on «whatsapp» and presented the messages to the club administration.

On the base of the obtained evidence on June 27, 2018 charge was pressed against the coaching director of «Shirak» football club according to the Part 1 of the Article 201 of RA Criminal Code.

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.