22.04.15, 05:55

Circumstances of infliction of bodily damage to Zaqaryan brothers found

Circumstances of infliction of bodily damage to Zaqaryan brothers found

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of RA Investigative Committee circumstances of stabbing Zaqaryan brothers were found, the person suspected of committing the apparent crime was detained.

On April 17, 2015 a call was received informing that Zaqaryan brothers turned to medical center for medical assistance. One of them was inflicted cut-pierced wound on the left part of his waist, the other was inflicted cut-pierced wounds on his chest, trunk and upper limbs.

A criminal case was initiated in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 112 and the Part 1 of the Article 113 of RA Criminal Code.

Through preliminary investigation it was found that the brothers were inflicted bodily injuries on April 17, 2015 at about 21:30 at the row erupted on breaking the mirror of “VAZ 21010”.

According to initial data the “Opel” touched the left side mirror of “VAZ 21010” and drove on. As a result the mirror was broken. A row erupted between the driver of “VAZ 21010” and Zaqaryan brothers who were in “Opel” which turned into scuffle. During it the driver of “VAZ 21010” stabbed the brothers with a jackknife causing them bodily damages of different degrees.

Through the investigation the driver of “VAZ 21010” was identified. He surrendered himself on April 20 and submitted the jackknife which had been the tool of crime.

The suspect was detained. Forensic examination was appointed against him.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive and complete examination of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law