03.07.18, 11:46

Data Obtained on NA Deputy Gagik Tsarukyan’s Possible Involvement in Violence Used against Citizen; Criminal Case Sent to SIS

Data Obtained on NA Deputy Gagik Tsarukyan’s Possible Involvement in Violence Used against Citizen; Criminal Case Sent to SIS

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davtashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee actual data were obtained on the allegation that the deputy was possibly involved in violence used against 50 year-old citizen in “Olympavan” gym. A decision was made to send the criminal case according to the investigatory subordination.

As we have already informed, on July 2, 2018 at 21:30 a call was received from “Armenia” medical center informing that a resident of Yerevan, born in 1968, with bodily injuries was taken to medical center. In the result of urgent measures it was found out that the bodily injuries had been inflicted to the 50 year-old man in “Olympavan” gym operating at Davtashen administrative district during the incident that took place on July 2. Through inspection of the scene bloodlike traces were found.

A criminal case was initiated in the RA IC Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davtashen administrative district of Yerevan Investigative Department according to the Point 6 of the Part 2 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code on willful infliction of heavy bodily damage by a group of people.

The 50 year-old man was found the injured party and questioned. Edward Babayan, who presented himself to the investigative body as an assistant to the President of Olympic Committee Gagik Tsarukyan, was arrested on suspicion of inflicting heavy bodily injuries to the man. Forensic medical examinations were commissioned.

Search was conducted in the suspect’s flat, as prescribed by law. As a result, two rifles were found and it is being checked whether he has a permission to keep the weapon.

In the result of measures taken to find out all circumstances of the incident that took place in “Olympavan” gym data were obtained that NA Deputy Gagik Tsarukyan was possibly involved in violence used against the citizen. Therefore, a decision was made in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davtashen administrative districts of the RA Investigative Committee to send the criminal case to Special Investigatory Service, according to investigatory subordination.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.