25.12.14, 13:57

Drug found with the lawyer who had visited the prisoner of “Artik” penitentiary. The lawyer arrested

Drug found with the lawyer who had visited the prisoner of “Artik” penitentiary. The lawyer arrested

A criminal case was initiated on the base of materials prepared in Artik Investigative Division on suspicious mass found in mobile phone chargers which were in lawyer’s bag who had visited the prisoner of “Artik” penitentiary. The lawyer was arrested.

As it was already informed, on 23 December, 2014 at 17:45 the employees of “Artik” penitentiary examined the handbag of the lawyer who had visited the prisoner of the same penitentiary A. Poghosyan. In three mobile phone chargers of four, which were in the handbag, packages with suspicious mass were found.

On the same day at about 21:00 one more mobile phone charger was found in women’s lavatory of the administrative building by the employees of the same penitentiary. In the result of the examination of the charger three packages of suspicious mass were also found in it.  During the preparation of materials the lawyer gave explanations telling that the charger had been thrown to the lavatory by him.

According to the result of the appointed forensic chemical examinations 55.7 g of the suspicious mass was cannabis and 0.25 g of it was hashish oil.

A criminal case was initiated based on the prepared materials according to the Point 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 266 and the Point 2 of the Part 2 of the Article 268 of RA Criminal Code. The lawyer was arrested. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive and objective examination of the circumstances.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.