17.01.15, 12:42

Got acquainted through social network and threatening to publicize defamatory information demanded money, forced to sexual intercourse

Got acquainted through social network and threatening to publicize defamatory information demanded money, forced to sexual intercourse

A criminal case was initiated in Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee on forcing to sexual intercourse by means of black mail.

Through preliminary investigation it was found that the young girl got acquainted with Narek through social network “Vkontakte”. She told him some information about her personal life, including that she had had a sexual intercourse with her previous boy-friend during the conversation on the internet and on the phone.

Threatening to publicize, that is to tell this information her parents at first he demanded to send her intimate photos to him, then forced her to sexual intercourse with him which took place in the afternoon of December, 2014 in one of the bars of Yerevan.

Besides, on 6 January, 2015 in the name of the girl Narek created a personal page in “Facebook” where he inserted the girl’s intimate photos. Then he demanded 200.000 AMD to close the page and not to trouble her any more agreeing to receive the money in parts.

On 12 January, 2015 the girl reported to the General Department of Struggle Against Organized Crime of the Police adjunct to RA Government.

During the preliminary investigation of the criminal case investigative and operative-intelligence measures were taken in the framework of which the girl was given 5 10.000 AMD notes on which it was written “140.1” with a special chemical pencil. On 14 January, 2015 the girl gave the mentioned notes to the boy in Khanjyan Street, Yerevan.

On the same day the boy was apprehended and through personal search the above-mentioned notes were found at him.

It was found out that the boy was a minor – 17 years old (he was born in June, 1997), so on the same day – 14, January, 2015 his father was found his legal representative and a decision was made to give the minor under the supervision of his father.

Through investigation it was also found that through the actions envisaged by the Articles 140 and 182 of RA Criminal Code – forcing a person to sexual intercourse by means of black mail and threatening to publicize defamatory information it was demanded to surrender property through computer from the region of Ararat. Thus, the criminal case was sent to Ararat Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to subordination.

Preliminary investigation is under way.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law