17.09.15, 13:05

Made the 4 year-old child drink mercury hydroxide; a criminal case initiated on murder attempt

Made the 4 year-old child drink mercury hydroxide; a criminal case initiated on murder attempt

On September 16, 2015 at 10:00 a call was received from Masis central hospital informing that the residents of Masis, Sh. Tumanyan born in 1980 and her 4 year-old daughter were taken to hospital with “mercury poisoning”.

According to initial data of the investigation conducted in Masis Investigative Division, on September 16, 2015 at about 08:00 Sh. Tumanyan drank mercury hydroxide in her bedroom with the purpose of committing suicide. Besides, she made her minor 4 year-old daughter have mercury hydroxide through a syringe. The acquisition source of mercury was found; Sh. Tumanyan had brought it from her former workplace – from the laboratory of the secondary school of Masis town. The woman and her 4 year-old child were taken to hospital by the members of the family who were at home.

During the inspection of the site two glass containers were found and confiscated. There was orange powdery substance in one of them and silver-color substance in the other. One orange syringe with orange powdery substance on it and a tea-cup the inner part of which was decomposed by some substance were also confiscated.

On September 16 a criminal case was initiated in Masis Investigative Division of Ararat Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 1 of the Article 34-104 of RA Criminal Code (murder attempt).

During preliminary investigation forensic examinations were commissioned, a number of witnesses were interrogated.

According to the certificate received from “Armenia” medical center Sh. Tumanyan is not able to give explanations.

Necessary investigatory and procedural actions are conducted to find the circumstances and causes of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.