14.04.15, 12:09

Murder in Gegharquniq; necessary investigative measures taken to find the circumstances of murder

Murder in Gegharquniq; necessary investigative measures taken to find the circumstances of murder

On April 13, 2015 at about 11:00 the body of the resident of Sevan, 36 year-old V. Hayroyan with firearm injuries was found on the 59th km of Sevan-Yerevan road. A criminal case was initiated.

On April 13, 2015 at about 11:00 a call was received informing that the body was found on Sevan-Yerevan road. The investigative group headed by the head of Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department A. Ghazaryan immediately left for the site.

The car of Sevan branch of <<Armenian Post>> CJSC <<RENAULT LOGAN>> with 315 LV 61 registration plate was found on the road parallel to the 59th km of Sevan-Yerevan road. The body of the resident of Sevan Vigen Hayroyan born in 1979 with firearm injuries on the chest was found near the car. Through the inspection of the site a gun of Makarov type was found not far from the body.

A criminal case was initiated in Gegharquniq Regional Investigative Department according to the Part 1 of the Article 104 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code. Necessary investigatory and procedural actions are taken to find the circumstances of murder, as well as to identify the person having committed the apparent crime.