27.04.15, 06:38

No forgery found in medical documents on soberness of Vardan Petrosyan; criminal proceeding terminated

No forgery found in medical documents on soberness of Vardan Petrosyan; criminal proceeding terminated

No forgery was found in the appropriate medical documents of “Nairi medical center” and “Erebuni medical center” CJSC on soberness of Vardan Petrosyan thus the proceeding of the criminal case has been terminated.

On March 9, 2015 an application was received from the lawyer R. Baloyan telling that on October 20, 2013 at about 22:10 on the 2d km of Yeghvard-Yerevan road “BMW-320” driven by V. Petrosyan crashed into “VAZ 2121” driven by A. Hakobyan in the result of which the driver of “VAZ 2121” and five passengers of the car, as well as the driver of “BMW-320” Vardan Petrosyan were taken to “Erebuni” and “Armenia” medical centers. In the result of the crash two persons Edgar and Edward Hakobyans died.

In the same application the lawyer told that forgery was made in the protocol N 113 given by “Nairi medical center” on soberness of V. Petrosyan and the history of disease formed in “Erebuni medical center” CJSC.

Considering that it was necessary to conduct investigatory and procedural actions to provide the comprehensive and objective examination of the circumstances mentioned in the application a criminal case was initiated in Kotayq Regional Investigative Department according to the Part 1 of the Article 325 of RA Criminal Code.

Through preliminary investigation no forgery was found in the history of disease formed in the name of V. Petrosyan by the employees of “Erebuni medical center” and in protocols on soberness of V. Petrosyan in “Nairi medical center” CJSC.

Taking the obtained evidence into consideration on April 21, 2015 a decision was made to terminate the criminal proceeding.

The parties were informed of the decision in accordance with law.