Person having Committed Banditry against U.S. Citizen with Pneumatic Gun in Proshyan Street Identified; the latter is Wanted

Through investigation conducted in Arabkir Investigative Division of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of banditry committed with a pneumatic gun against the U.S. citizen in Proshyan Street, Yerevan on March 21, 2024 were found out.
On the mentioned day at 11:26 a call was received informing that an unknown person, with a weapon, stole a foreigner’s bag.
With regard to the case a criminal proceeding was initiated and through the inspection of the scene conducted within the framework of the proceeding a pneumatic gun of «Stalker S17» model was found and taken.
The U.S. citizen was found the victim. In the result of the examination of the videos captured by the cameras located at the adjacent areas of the scene, as well as other investigative actions the person having apparently committed the theft was identified; he is 25 year-old young man.
Particularly, it was found out that on March 21, 2024 at about 10:30 in the lovers’ garden the latter approached the foreigner from the back, hit him on the head with a pneumatic gun, stole his bag and fled.
One of the citizens in the street, hearing the foreigner’s shouts, ran after the young man. While running the latter took the U.S. citizen’s wallet with money and bank cards in it, out of the bag and threw the bag away. While on the run the gun, strapped to his waist, fell to the ground.
On the base of the obtained facts a motion was submitted to the prosecutor to initiate a public criminal prosecution against the young man according to the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 252 of RA Criminal Code. The motion was sufficed.
A decision on the young man’s arrest was made and search was declared against him.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Investigative actions are conducted, operative-intelligence measures are taken to find and bring him to the investigative body.