21.08.15, 14:33

RA Investigative Committee received the writ of the Head of RA Chamber of Advocates; additional information on procedural decisions made on the base of the evidence will be provided

RA Investigative Committee received the writ of the Head of RA Chamber of Advocates; additional information on procedural decisions made on the base of the evidence will be provided

The criminal case initiated in RA Special Investigatory Service on hindrance to administration of justice and conducting investigation by the lawyer according to the Part 2 of the Article 332 of RA Criminal Code was received from the Prosecution Office in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee. Necessary investigatory actions are conducted in the Investigative Division to provide the comprehensive and objective examination of the case. 

Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that the Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Aghvan Hovsepyan today received the writ of the Head of RA Chamber of Advocates on the mentioned criminal case. It will be considered in the context of the evidence obtained through criminal case and necessary measures will be taken.

Additional information on procedural decisions will be provided.