07.03.15, 10:45

The body of Qrist Vardanyan found at the back seat of the car

The body of Qrist Vardanyan found at the back seat of the car

On March 7, 2015 a car “Nissan Tiana” was found in the canyon of Ketti village of Akhuryan of Shirak region. The body of 30 year-old driver Qrist Vardanyan was found in the back seat of the car.

On the base of the call the operative-investigative group headed by the Head of Shirak Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee Samvel Simonyan left for the scene.

Through external examination of the body a gunshot wound was found on the abdomen.

On the base of the prepared materials a criminal case on murder was initiated in Shirak Regional Investigative Department.

An investigative group was formed.

 In the framework of the criminal case necessary investigative, operative-searching measures are taken to find the site of murder, all the circumstances of the case, as well as to identify the person having committed the apparent crime.

Additional information on the results of preliminary investigation will be provided.