21.04.15, 10:50

The person charged with inflicting two persons bodily damage out of hooligan motives in Vanadzor found and arrested

The person charged with inflicting two persons bodily damage out of hooligan motives in Vanadzor found and arrested

The person under persecution in the framework of the criminal case  investigated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee initiated on inflicting two persons bodily damage with a cutting-piercing tool on March 15 was found and arrested.

Earlier it was informed that on March 15, 2015 at 23:00 the Police station of Taron received a call from ambulance service of “Vanadzor medical center” CJSC informing that S. Meliqyan with cut-pierced penetrating wound on the right part of his chest and A. Mkrtchyan with cut-pierced wound on his waist turned to the medical center for medical assistance.

Through preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee circumstances of the infliction of bodily damage to the mentioned persons were found. According to the investigation data, on March 15, 2015 at about 21:00 the resident of Vanadzor M. Saroyan out of hooligan motives, to emphasize the advantage of his self quarreled groundlessly and attacked P. Meliqyan during which he willfully stabbed at the waist of A. Mkrtchyan and the right part of the chest of S. Meliqyan who were trying to prevent the attack. As a result, the latter was inflicted heavy bodily damage dangerous for life and A. Mkrtchyan was inflicted light damage with short-term health disorder.

On March 24, 2015 a decision was made to involve M. Saroyan as a defendant and search was declared against him.

In the result of the measures taken in the framework of the criminal case on April 16 M. Saroyan was found.

On the base of the obtained evidence he was charged according to the Point 9 of the Part 2 of the Article 112 and the Article 117 of RA Criminal Code. Imprisonment was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive and complete examination of the case.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law