11.02.15, 13:50

The resident charged with manufacture and dissemination of pornographic materials

The resident charged with manufacture and dissemination of pornographic materials

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case on manufacturing and disseminating pornographic materials with portraits of 3 residents of the region of Lori by citizen Ani, as well as on causing one of them to commit suicide by means of regular humiliation of dignity is completed in Lori Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee.

Through the evidence obtained during pretrial proceeding, it was found and grounded that from February to June 2013 Ani was in close relationship with Aram with the purpose of marriage. Later they broke up.

Being informed that the latter wanted to marry another girl, out of retaliation motive in June, 2013 in her house Ani manufactured pornographic materials with the portrait of that girl in her computer through “Photoshop”.

Then she disseminated them in social networks “odnoklassniki” and “Вконтакте” through pages she had opened in the girl’s name.

Unable to stand the humiliation on 10 November, 2013 at about 19:30 the girl attempted to commit suicide by throwing herself from the window of their flat. However, her brother noticed and prevented it.

Through investigation it was found that in spring 2014 Ani was in close relationship with Artyom with the purpose of marriage. After breaking up with the latter Ani got informed that Artyom wanted to marry another girl Narine.

Out of retaliation motive in May, 2014 Ani manufactured a pornographic material with the portraits of Narine and her brother through “Photoshop” then she disseminated it in social network “odnoklassniki” through the page she had opened in the name of  Narine.

Based on the obtained evidence a charge was pressed against Ani according to the Part 1 of the Article 263, the Part 1 of the Article 110 and the Part 1 of the Article 263 of RA Criminal Code.

On 6 February, 2015 the criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation. The bill of indictment was confirmed and sent to the court.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.