30.03.15, 12:12

20 year-old girl charged with false crime reporting on rape; the case sent to court

20 year-old girl charged with false crime reporting on rape; the case sent to court

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on false crime reporting on rape was completed in Kotayq Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee.

Through preliminary investigation it was found that the 20 year-old girl, being informed of her boyfriend’s unfaithfulness, being informed of criminal liability envisaged for false crime reporting, accused her boyfriend of heavy crime with the purpose to punish the latter. Particularly, on January 7, 2015 she submitted a report telling that in October, 2014 her boyfriend dropped a pill in her coffee-cup in the result of which she was in a helpless condition. Her boyfriend taking advantage of it had a sexual intercourse with her against her will.

On the base of the evidence obtained during the pretrial proceeding 20 year-old girl was charged according to the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 333 of RA Criminal Code. Signature not to leave was used as a pretrial measure against her.

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of the preliminary investigation. The bill of indictment was confirmed and the case was sent to the Court of First Instance of Kotayq region.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.