13.11.23, 14:12

250.000.000 AMD out of Tax Liability in the Amount of 500.000.000 AMD, Hidden from the State by Using Criminal Scheme of Signing Contracts for Apartment Alienation, Recovered

250.000.000 AMD out of Tax Liability in the Amount of 500.000.000 AMD, Hidden from the State by Using Criminal Scheme of Signing Contracts for Apartment Alienation, Recovered

In the course of preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated in the General Department of Investigation of Smuggling and Economic Crimes of the RA Investigative Committee according to the Points 1 and 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 290 of RA Criminal Code a tax liability of 250 million AMD hidden from the state was actually recovered.

Particularly, through investigation it was found out that natural person A.H., being the real owner of properties, on behalf of another person N.A., carried out development and alienation of apartments in the district of «Premium House» multi-residential buildings located at 1/10, 1/31, 1/32, 1/34, 1/38, 1/40, 1/41, 1/42 of Azatutyan Avenue of Yerevan. However, with prior agreement, in order not to pay taxes in particularly large amount by involving distorted data in calculations and hiding the objects of taxation, he signed contracts for the sale of share ownership transactions instead of transactions of alienation of apartments. As a result, tax was calculated less in the amount of about 500.000.000 AMD and was not paid.   

By the decisions made by the investigative body A.H. and N.A. were arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion of having committed the crime.

Under the pressure of irrefutable evidence obtained in the result of large-scale investigative and procedural actions conducted in the course of preliminary investigation an annual income tax calculation regarding additional tax liabilities of around 500,000,000 AMD was submitted and around 250.000.000 AMD was paid to the state budget by the latters.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.