Newsfeed from General Military Investigative Department
23.11.15, 08:28

A. Hakobyan, who had been taken to hospital, interrogated as an injured party; necessary measures taken to provide comprehensive and objective investigation of the case

A. Hakobyan, who had been taken to hospital, interrogated as an injured party; necessary measures taken to provide comprehensive and objective investigation of the case

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case investigated in the Ninth Garrison Investigative Unit of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee initiated on using violence against the serviceman A. Hakobyan is ongoing.

In the framework of the criminal case the fellow servicemen have been interrogated, forensic medical examination has been commissioned, necessary documents have been confiscated.

The appropriate service has been instructed to take operative-intelligence measures.

No bodily damages were found on A. Hakobyan’s body while being hospitalized and being accepted to Yerevan garrison hospital of the RA Ministry of Defense. 

A. Hakobyan has been interrogated as an injured party. As the latter does not master the written Armenian language, he has testified in the presence of a translator, as well as the representative of the injured party – the lawyer of “Civil Society Institute” nongovernmental organization.

Necessary measures are taken to provide the complete, objective and comprehensive investigation of the criminal case.