29.06.17, 14:00

A number of items stolen from tombs of historical interest found (Photos)

A number of items stolen from tombs of historical interest found (Photos)

In the result of investigatory and operative-searching actions of great volume conducted in the framework of the criminal case investigated in Syuniq Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee a number of items stolen from the tombs of historical interest in Kapan were found.

It was earlier informed that in February 2017 three tombs at the area of the settlement-tomb field monument of the first millennium B.C. found in 2012 in Kapan town were destroyed and robbed. 

Investigatory actions of great volume were conducted in the framework of the criminal case initiated in the RA IC Syuniq Regional Investigative Department and as a result a number of significant circumstances were found.

Through inspections conducted in the framework of the criminal case items stolen from the tombs – 5 antique jugs, 2 clay pots, metal arrowheads, daggers, armor details, bracelets, a needle, pendants, cross, ring and other metal jewelry, as well as a crime tool – a metal detector were found and confiscated.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Measures are taken to provide the comprehensive, objective and complete investigation of circumstances of the case, examinations have been commissioned. Additional information on procedural decisions made on the base of the obtained evidence will be provided.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.