21.03.15, 14:33

A young woman died in the result of elevator accident of the residential building; investigation conducted to find the causes

A young woman died in the result of elevator accident of the residential building; investigation conducted to find the causes

On March 21, 2015 at about 13:30 the cabin of the elevator of the building 1 of the lane 2 of Bashinjaghyan Street fell into the hole. As a result, the resident 37 year-old H. Shahbazyan, who had been in the cabin, died.

According to the initial data H. Shahbazyan was going down from the eleventh floor in the elevator during which the ropes holding the cabin broke off in the result of which the cabin of the elevator fell from the sixth floor.

Investigation is conducted in the Investigative Division of Ajapnyak and Davitashen administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department.

Measures are taken to find the causes of the accident.