According to initial data those who had kidnapped Artak Khachatryan also had a firearm

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case on kidnapping Artak Khachatryan is ongoing in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department, measures are taken to find the framework of the persons having committed the crime, as well as to identify them.
Taking the public interest into consideration we inform that in the framework of the criminal case a number of witnesses, as well as A. Khachatryan who was found a victim have been interrogated.
Through the investigation it was found that on February 7, 2015 at about 12:00 Artak Khachatryan and his friend N. Abrahamyan drove in “Mercedes Benz” to the hotel complex “Tsghotner” located in Tolstoy Str., Yerevan and parked at the wall of the hotel complex.
At that moment a black “Toyota Corola” drove up to them from the upper part of Tolstoy Str. and three large masked men in black uniform got out of it.
According to initial data they also had firearms. They pushed N. Abrahamyan aside, forced A. Khachatryan into the car and drove fast in the direction of Nar-Dos Street. After being kidnapped A. Khachatryan was beaten for several hours then he was left in a desert area from where he came to his flat himself. On the same day at about 19:20 A. Khachatryan was taken from his residence to “Malatia” medical center by the 73th brigade of ambulance.
Through the investigation it was found that on the day of incident the victim had two phones with him. One of them was found near the building called “Metaqs-Gold”.
A witness says that the phone has been thrown away from black “Toyota”. The second phone has been found in Khaghagh-Don Street, Yerevan.
In the framework of the criminal case the persons having noticed the phones being thrown away from the black car were identified. They were interrogated on circumstances known to them.
During preliminary investigation the victim A. Khachatryan’s brother submitted a video through the inspection of which it was found that on the day of the incident the car “Mercedes Benz ML” driven by Narek Abrahamyan was being followed by the black “Toyota Corola”.
It was found that the car ‘\\Mercedes Benz ML” which was driven by N. Abrahamyan on the day of incident belonged to Khachik Ter-Hakobyan.
The appropriate subdivisions of the police were instructed to take measures to identify the owner of “Toyota Corola”, to find the mentioned car and possible videos and submit them to the investigative body.
Preliminary investigation is ongoing. Additional information on the results will be provided.