07.02.19, 08:47

Agreement on Formation of Public Monitoring Working Group Signed between RA Investigative Committee and Ten Non-Governmental Organizations (photos)

Agreement on Formation of Public Monitoring Working Group Signed between RA Investigative Committee and Ten Non-Governmental Organizations (photos)

On February 7, 2019 an agreement was signed between the RA Investigative Committee and ten NGO-s on formation of a public monitoring working group, confirmation of its staff and working procedure in order to reveal possible omissions during preliminary investigation of separate criminal cases initiated on servicemen’s death during military service, to disperse public interest on disputable circumstances, as well as to exclude various comments on those circumstances.

The goals of public monitoring working group are

1. to discuss separate criminal cases initiated on servicemen’s death during military service, comprehensive and objective investigation of which conducted by the investigative body is doubted by several representatives of public, to make conclusions in the result of examination and within the cases submit proposals related to obtaining evidence and its process, submitting motions on conduction of investigatory and other procedural actions through victim’s legal successors.

2. to make analyses, if necessary, based on separate conclusions made in the result of examination of criminal cases drawing RA Investigative Committee’s attention on general, systemic shortcomings, omissions, breaches, to offer possible solutions for the problems, including through legal reforms.

After the agreement had been signed the Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee, Head of General Military Investigative Department Artak Krkyasharyan wished efficient cooperation to the parties. He assured that the Investigative Committee is interested in discussing the criminal cases initiated on servicemen’s death within the monitoring group and giving complete answers to questions raised in each case.