18.03.20, 16:33

By Order of Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Operative Headquarter Formed in Investigative Committee for Organization of Preventive and Anti-epidemic Measures and Rapid Response

By Order of Chairman of RA Investigative Committee Operative Headquarter Formed in Investigative Committee for Organization of Preventive and Anti-epidemic Measures and Rapid Response

Taking the spread of cases of new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the Republic of Armenia into consideration, based on the provisions of the RA Government's decision N 298-Ն «On Declaring a State of Emergency in the Republic of Armenia» dated March 16, 2020, by the order of the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee an operative headquarter was formed for organization of preventive and anti-epidemic measures and rapid response in the bodies and subdivisions of the RA Investigative Committee. The staff of the operative headquarter is as follows;   

Head of the operative headquarter – Arsen Ayvazyan – Deputy Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee

Members of the operative headquarter

Samson Matevosyan – Head of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments of the RA Investigative Committee

Aram Nikoyan – General Secretary of the RA Investigative Committee

Karen Hovhannisyan – Deputy General Secretary of the RA Investigative Committee

Hayk Haroyan – Head of the Department of Internal Security of the RA Investigative Committee

Rafayel Vardanyan - Department of Criminalistics of the General Department on Special Assignments, Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee

Kamo Sharoyan – Head of the Second Department of General Department of Control over Activity of Territorial Investigative Departments of the RA Investigative Committee

Kristine Tumanyan – Deputy Head of the Department of Criminalistics of the General Department on Special Assignments, Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee

Anush Gasparyan - Deputy Head of the Department of Criminalistics of the General Department on Special Assignments, Organizational-analytical Activity and Criminalistics of the RA Investigative Committee

Aharon Nersisyan – Deputy Head of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee

Arsen Movsisyan – Deputy Head of the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee

Arman Margaryan – senior investigator of particularly important cases of Control Department of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee