Newsfeed from General Military Investigative Department
16.03.20, 15:38

Charge Pressed against Head of Arshaluys Community for Abusing Official Authorities

Charge Pressed against Head of Arshaluys Community for Abusing Official Authorities

Through preliminary investigation of the criminal case investigated in the Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of General Military Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee it was found out that the resident of Arshaluys village Zarzand Grigoryan, being the head of Arshaluys community of Armavir province, abusing his position against service interests, signed orders to appoint a person whose data did not correspond to the job passport, to the positions of headmaster of art school and kindergarten director.

Through preliminary investigation of the criminal case actual data were obtained on the allegation that Z. Grigoryan, being an official carrying out organizational-managerial functions in the local self-government body, out of personal interest that is to appoint the wife of town council member to a position, breached the requirements of the Article 32 of the RA Law «On Basics of Administration and Administrative Proceedings». Seeing that the documents attached to the woman's application on being appointed in a position in «Art School» CONC were incomplete – there was not the copy of the diploma of a higher education, he ignored this circumstance and instructed the staff secretary to make an order to appoint the woman in the mentioned position.

Then ignoring the requirements of the Part 1 of the Article 16 of the RA Law «On SNCO-s» pursuant to which those who have a diploma of higher education can be appointed to an executive body position, instead of returning the application to the applicant, he instructed the staff secretary to make an order to appoint the woman to the mentioned position, created favorable conditions to get the approval of the town council. In these conditions, based on the decision N 66 of the town council dated 04.12.2014, by his order N 29 of December 27, 2014 the woman who had not higher education was appointed to the position of the headmaster of «Art School» CNCO who held this position until July 11, 2018.

Besides, abusing official position against service interests, in the same way Z. Grigoryan instructed the staff secretary to make an order to appoint the same woman to the position of the director of «Arshaluys Kindergarten». And based on the town council's decision N 38 dated 24.07.2017, by his order N 15 dated July 31, 2017 the woman who had not higher education and was holding the position of the headmaster of «Art School» was appointed in the position of the director of the mentioned kindergarten and she held the mentioned position as well as the position of headmaster of «Art School» until July 11, 2018.

As a result, the legal interest of the state and the person corresponding to the mentioned job passports was shattered, significant damage was caused.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against Z. Grigoryan according to the Part 1 of the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code.

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.