08.02.24, 17:15

«Council of Veterans of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia» Non-Governmental Organization Created

In the jubilee 10th year of the activity of the RA Investigative Committee non-governmental organization «Council of Veterans of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Armenia» has been established which has already received a state registration.

The creation of the council of veterans is aimed at consolidating the former employees of the RA Investigative Committee, pursuing the protection of their rights and interests and directing their knowledge and experience to publicly beneficial activity. Particularly, supporting veterans in need, family members of dead veterans, cooperating with the young staff of the RA Investigative Committee within the framework of the exchange of professional experience, providing consultation on law-making work related to investigative action, as well as carrying out work in the direction of initiatives aimed at increasing the legal awareness of the society, strengthening the legal system, legitimacy and patriotism.

At the Board session dedicated to summing up the RA Investigative Committee’s activity in 2023, Argishti Kyaramyan, the Chairman of the RA Investigative Committee handed the first certificate of the organization over to Yuri Badalyan, the Chairman of «Council of Veterans».

In his congratulatory speech Argishti Kyaramyan considered the creation of the RA IC Veterans’ Council as a historical and symbolic event, especially in 2024 when the RA Investigative Committee celebrates the 10th anniversary of its establishment, and underlined that the creation of the organization itself is not only an important indicator of the establishment of the system, but also of the ability to use the accumulated potential of the older generation more purposefully. In this regard, the RA IC Chairman wished the Council of Veterans fruitful and proactive work.

Yuri Badalyan, the Chairman of the NGO «Council of Veterans of the RA Investigative Committee» thanked the Committee for bringing this idea to life, significant support provided for the creation of the organization and presented the goals and problems of the Council.