12.06.20, 16:22

Damage of 64 Million AMD Caused to Baghramyan Community; Charge Pressed against Community Head

Damage of 64 Million AMD Caused to Baghramyan Community; Charge Pressed against Community Head

Investigation is conducted in Armavir Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of abuses allegedly committed by the head of Baghramyan community.

During preliminary investigation of the criminal case it was found out that the head of Baghramyan community holding the mentioned position from autumn, 2016 allegedly committed abuses; with the support of his sister’s husband – the former head of Myasnikyan community, out of mercenary motive, willfully using his official position against service interests, he caused significant damage to the rights and legal interests of Baghramyan community, as well as LLC making investments in the Republic of Armenia. As a result, having negative impact on favorable environment created in the Republic of Armenia he caused significant damage to state legal interests, as well which negligently caused grave consequences.

Pursuant to investigation data, the community head being aware that the mentioned LLC was going to expand its activities in Baghramyan and adjacent communities and acquire lands, he gave the LLC director and representatives distorted information about the type of land right in the community intending to resell the lands in the community's balance in a mediated way therefore at a higher cost.  

Particularly, at the end of August, 2018 the community head being well-aware that the information given by him was untrue, told the deputy director of the LLC that there was not a land owned by the community and subject to sale with the intend not to allow the mentioned LLC to take part in the auction sale process of the community's lands.

However, a few days later the community head informed the deputy director of the mentioned company that one of the alleged owners was selling his land directing him to get in touch with his brother-in-law who had no factual and legal relation to the land subject to purchase. The latter introduced himself as a person authorized by the owner of the mentioned land. He reached agreement on the acquisition of the land with the deputy director of the company, he reached an oral agreement to sell 1 ha for 1.100 USD, demanded 4.845.000 AMD in advance and received it through bank transfer being sure that the auction would be formal and he would be the winner. In November, 2018 a preliminary contract on sale of the land of agricultural significance for 71.489.000 AMD was signed between the community head and his brother-in-law after which the latter received a part of the mentioned amount - 20.000.000 through bank transfer.  

In order to realize his intention to sell the lands in a mediated way in September, 2018 the community head, within his competence, offered during the session of Council of Elders of Baghramyan community to alienate the above-mentioned land of 132 ha and received   agreement. On the same day, by his decision, auction-sale was declared on the mentioned lands with 67.500 AMD for per hectare of initial sales.

At the formal auction organized on November 16, 2018 the brother –in-law of community head was found the winner. A few days later the mentioned land was sold to the latter for 9.360.352 AMD who resold it to the mentioned LLC receiving the rest of the amount - 39.508.940 AMD thus causing the community pecuniary damage of 64.353.940 AMD, in total.  

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against the head of Baghramyan community according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 (abuse of official authorities) of RA Criminal Code. A motion was submitted to court to use detention as a pretrial measure against him. It was rejected.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.