08.11.16, 13:22

During preliminary investigation A. Peleshyan regretted and told about reconciliation with injured

During preliminary investigation A. Peleshyan regretted and told about reconciliation with injured

In the result of investigatory actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case investigated in Lori Regional Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee all circumstances of beating church pastor R. Grigoryan in the building of religious organization of “Evangelical Christian Church” were found.

In October, 2016 a report was received from the resident of Vanadzor Rafayel Grigoryan informing that on October 4, 2016 at about 21:00 in the building of religious organization of “Evangelical Christian Church” located in the same town the candidate of city council member of Vanadzor community hit him with hands for many times with the purpose of taking revenge for not voting for him during the city council elections of Vanadzor community held on October 2, 2016.

Investigatory actions were immediately conducted to find all circumstances of the case and considering that in the materials prepared on the base of the report there are apparent elements of crime, a criminal case was initiated in Lori Regional Investigative Department according to the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code and R. Grigoryan was found an injured party.  

Through objective, complete and comprehensive investigation it was found that on October 4, 2016 at about 21:00 in the building of religious organization of “Evangelical Christian Church” located at Vardanants 28, Vanadzor A. Peleshyan argued with church pastor Rafayel Grigoryan over not supporting him during the city council elections of Vanadzor community held on October 2, 2016 and not voting for him during which he hit him with hands for many times on his head and face thus subjecting him to battery.  

The above-mentioned was grounded by numerous evidence, including witnesses’ testimonies, examination of video captured by the camera located in the site and a number of actual data. Forensic medical examination was commissioned to find circumstances significant for the criminal case and according to its conclusion N 0635 no bodily injuries were found on the injured.  

On the base of the sufficient evidence on October 12, 2016 charge was pressed against A. Peleshyan according to the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code. Signature not to leave was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

During preliminary investigation the injured R. Grigoryan submitted an application to the investigative body and gave additional testimony informing that he had not any demand, complaint against A. Peleshyan for beating him, he told he had reconciled with him and did not want the latter to be brought to justice.

A. Peleshyan also submitted an application to the investigative body and in his additional testimony mentioned that he regretted and had reconciled with R. Grigoryan and asked to terminate the proceeding of the criminal case on the base of reconciliation with the injured and stop the prosecution against him.   

According to the Part 1 of the Article 183 of RA Criminal Procedure Code criminal cases on crime envisaged by the Article 118 of RA Criminal Code are initiated on the base of the complaint of the injured party and they shall be terminated in case the injured party has reconciled with the accused. According to the above-mentioned and being led by the requirements envisaged by RA Criminal Procedure Code the investigator made a decision to terminate the proceeding of the mentioned criminal case and stop prosecution against A. Peleshyan on the base of reconciliation of the injured and the accused.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.