09.07.15, 11:42

Extortion with murder threats

Extortion with murder threats

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on willful spoilage of the property of the resident of Norq Yu. Avagyan by using a firearm, illegal procurement and keeping of weapons and ammunition was completed in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee.

Through preliminary investigation the persons having committed the apparent crime were identified, the motive was found, sufficient evidence were obtained on the allegation that there had been an attempt with threats to use violence to swindle money in particularly large amount from Avagyan brothers.

In the result of voluminous investigatory and procedural actions conducted in the framework of the criminal case it was found that the residents of Yerevan, Hayrapetyan brothers, being informed that Avagyan brothers were in a good material state, intended to extort money in particularly large amount.

In order to carry out their intention on February 20, 2015 at about 03:40 Hayrapetyans drove to the neighboring area of Yu. Avagyan’s house in “Vaz 2121”, one of the brothers drove the car, the other shot fires from the rifle taken by them in advance in the direction of the gate of Yu. Avagyan’s garage. As a result, “Toyota Land Cruiser” parked in the garage was also damaged and significant property damage was caused.

Some days later - on the morning of March 2, 2015 one of the brothers fixed a grenade with explosive to the gate of Avagyan’s house. Then through “HayPost” he sent threatening letters to Avagyan brothers in the name of several persons demanding 32.000 USD and threatening to hurt them and their families if they didn’t pay.

Through investigation sufficient evidence were obtained on the allegation that Hayrapetyan brothers illegally procured and kept weapon and ammunition which were found in the result of search conducted in the order defined by law in the roof of the stone processing plant belonging to S. Hayrapetyan located near “Abovyan” penitentiary of RA Ministry of Justice in Kotayq region and in the house located in Norq 2 Street.

On the base of the evidence obtained during pretrial proceeding Hayrapetyan brothers were charged according the Point 2 of the Part 3 of the Article 182, the Point 1 of the Part 2 of the Article 185 and the Part 1 of the Article 235 of RA Criminal Code. Detention was used as a pretrial measure against them.

The criminal case with the bill of indictment was sent to the prosecutor supervising the legality of preliminary investigation.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law