06.04.18, 12:30

From 2015 to 2017 three criminal cases initiated against H. Sargsyan

From 2015 to 2017 three criminal cases initiated against H. Sargsyan

The resident of Sisian Hasmik Sargsyan and the advocate’s statements about the charges against H. Sargsyan and the sentence imposed by the Court of First Instance of Syunik region  during the press conference that took place on April 3, 2018 have been actively discussed recently.

Taking mass media interest into consideration, in reply to numerous questions comprehensive information about pretrial proceeding is presented below.

From 2015 to 2017 three criminal cases were initiated in the RA IC Syunik Regional Investigative Department on cases of theft committed by H. Sargsyan which were sent to court with the bill of indictment.

Particularly, on the base of the actual data obtained during pretrial proceeding in 2015 charge was pressed against H. Sargsyan according to the Part 1 of the Article 177 and the Point 1.1 of the Part 3 of the Article 177 of RA Criminal Code, in 2016 – according to the Point 1.1 of the Part 3 of the Article 177 of RA Criminal Code, in 2017 – according to the Point 1.1 of the Part 3 of the Article 177 of RA Criminal Code. In initial stage of the mentioned criminal cases the investigator chose signature not to leave as a pretrial measure against the defendant.  

The questions on trial results and the sentence imposed are out of jurisdiction of pretrial proceeding. As to the defendant’s statement on the allegation that during preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on the theft recorded in 2017 the investigator had allegedly used an alien method of investigation and threatened her with a ruler to accept her guilt, we call on her to submit a report in the order defined by law which will give the competent body an opportunity to find all the circumstances and to give appropriate assessment to the actions of relevant people in the result of comprehensive, objective and complete investigation.