05.07.18, 09:14

Hayk Sargsyan Suspected of Committing Murder Attempt

Hayk Sargsyan Suspected of Committing Murder Attempt

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on inflicting a firearm injury to the resident of Yerevan Davit Simonyan in April, 2007 was restarted in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee. Hayk Sargsyan is suspected of murder attempt.

On April 1, 2007 a call was received in Central Division of the Police informing that on the same day at 19:00 the resident of Yerevan Davit Simonyan, born in 1984, with a firearm injury was taken to Clinical Hospital N 3 from the crossroad of Tumanyan-Nalbandyan Streets.

On the same day A. Ghevondyan turned himself to Central Division of the Police, presented a pistol and told that he had found it at the stairs leading to the basement from the kindergarden adjacent to their house and in the result of negligent handling with weapon fired a shot inflicting bodily injury to his friend D. Simonyan.

On April 1, 2007 a criminal case was initiated in Central Division of the Police according to the Part 1 of the Article 120 of RA Criminal Code and preliminary investigation was conducted. On May 28, 2007 a decision was made not to persecute A. Ghevondyan and to terminate the criminal case based on reconciliation of the parties and absence of complaint envisaged by the Points 4 and 5 of the Part 1 of the Article 35 of RA Criminal Procedure Code.

Conditioned with newly appeared circumstances on July 3, 2018 a decision was made by the RA Prosecutor General to abolish the decision made in 2007 not to persecute and terminate the proceeding of the criminal case. The criminal case was sent to the Investigative Division of Kentron and Nork-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee for preliminary investigation. On the same day the investigator received the case in his proceeding and took necessary investigatory and other procedural measures to find out the circumstances of the case.

As a result, sufficient actual data were obtained on the allegation that D. Simonyan had been inflicted bodily injury not by A. Ghevondyan by negligence but in the result of shot fired willfully by another person.

Pursuant to investigation data, the resident of Yerevan Hayk Sargsyan, born in 1984, willfully fired a shot towards the injured to murder him. Necessary investigatory actions, including confrontation were conducted with his participation.

On July 4 H. Sargsyan was given a procedural status; he is suspected of committing a committal envisaged by the Part 1 of the Article 34-104 of RA Criminal Code that is committing murder attempt.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.