19.09.14, 12:15

Hovhannes Tockmajyan found an injured party

Hovhannes Tockmajyan found an injured party

Hovhannes Tockmajyan was found an injured party in the framework of the criminal case initiated in General  Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases on illegal possession of facebook account of the acting Rector of State Engineering University of Armenia Hovhannes Tockmajyan.

On September 5, 2014 the Head of Department of Information and Communication Technologies of State Engineering University of Armenia Vladimir Khoetsyan reported to RA Police General Department of Struggle Against Organized Crime informing that on the same day an unidentified person in an unknown way possessed the webpage on social network «» belonging to acting Rector of State Engineering University of Armenia Hovhannes Tockmajyan and posted obscene information about him to the users registered as friends.

The investigation found that on 5 September, 2014 an unidentified person illegally logged in Hovhannes Tockmajyan’s personal page in the mentioned social network, changed the password and possessed it after which he posted on the same page a web link entitled “Anjela Sargsyan of Polytechnic Institute and her father’s close friend” containing 4 images showing a dialogue between the users of «» web site Hovhannes Tokmajyan and Ruzan Hayrapetyan.

Hovhannes Tockmajyan and Ruzan Harutyunyan - the users of pages of «» “Hovhannes Tokmajyan” and “Ruzan Hayrapetyan” announced that the dialogue posted on the internet was not made by them and it was false.

Forensic investigation was appointed in order to identify the person having committed the crime and the authors of the dialogue posted on the internet.

Appropriate measures are taken to find out the data of the subscriber who has had access to Hovhannes Tockmajyan’s personal page.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.