03.02.25, 10:21Group with Criminal Subculture Carried out Illegal Collection of FundsFactual data were obtained on the allegation that A.A. and A.A., who has a criminal rank, participated in the group led by A.J., who holds the highest rank in the criminal hierarchy.
30.01.25, 11:06Former Head of the RA State Property Management Department with the Help of a Group of People Legalized Particularly Large Amount of Property Acquired through Criminal MeansThe Head of the RA State Property Management Department, holding the position of the Chairman of Yerevan City Public School Board, with the help of his brother, as well as other people, legalized particularly large amount of property acquired through criminal means.
23.01.25, 10:24Members of Transnational Criminal Organization Stole Financial Means in the Amount of about 810 Million AMDA group of RA and foreign citizens created and managed a transnational criminal orgaization committing theft by means of computer in particularly large amount.
16.01.25, 16:26A Group of People Involved in Different Criminal Groups Stole a Particularly Large Amount of Money from a Number of Game Accounts of Bookmaking Companies Operating in the RAPreliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding regarding another case on committing theft by means of computer was completed on the part of seven people involved in four different criminal groups.
23.12.24, 10:36Criminal Group Committed 18 Real Estate Thefts in Yerevan Using Fake Powers of AttorneyFactual data were obtained on the allegation that in July – August, 2022 a criminal organization was created and managed by a group of people, which committed 18 real estate thefts in the city of Yerevan using fake powers of attorney.
21.08.24, 17:19Another Count on Attempt of Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs out of 53 kg Drugs Smuggled in Armenia, Disclosed; Materials of Proceeding on Another Person Involved in Criminal Chain Sent to CourtIt should be noted that several criminal proceedings regarding 8 persons involved in the criminal chain engaged in illegal turnover of narcotic drugs were separated from the criminal proceeding related to about 53 kg of narcotic drugs smuggled to Armenia by the mentioned IRI citizen and were sent to court.
31.07.24, 17:36Case of Smuggling, Illegal Turnover of over 43kg Narcotic Drugs of Various Types Disclosed; Preliminary Investigation on One Person Completed (photos)A case of illegal turnover of 43.724 g various types of narcotic drugs was disclosed, two of the members of the criminal group were identified.
02.07.24, 10:43Another Episode of Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs through «Telegram» and Money Laundering in the Amount of about 28 Million AMD Disclosed; Preliminary Investigation CompletedPreliminary investigation of another criminal proceeding on illegal turnover of narcotic drugs in particularly large amount, money laundering was completed on one person in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee.
24.06.24, 15:1838 year-old Man, Receiving Passwords of Electronic Wallets by Cheating, Stole 2.500.000 AMD by Means of Computer from Three Citizens. WarningCircumstances of the case on theft by means of computer in total amount of 2.500.000 AMD committed by 38 year-old resident of Artashat town from three different victims with the same criminal scheme, were found out.
11.06.24, 10:554.4 billion AMD Involved Funds, 12000 Involved People, 31 Defendants; Preliminary Investigation of Criminal Proceeding on Financial Pyramid Known as «Vodanet» and «Onyxum» CompletedPreliminary investigation on the part of 31 defendants within the criminal proceeding initiated on creating, organizing, managing a financial pyramid was completed.
06.06.24, 12:15Illegal Turnover of Narcotic Drugs in the Amount of 231 Million AMD and Money Laundering in Particularly Large Amount; Preliminary Investigation on three Defendants CompletedIn the result of investigative and evidentiary actions a criminal group engaged in illegal turnover of narcotic drugs through a telegram channel was disclosed.
05.06.24, 12:15Withiin framework of CyberEast+ Project Specialists of the RA Investigative Committee together with EC Experts Discussed Issues Related to Increasing Effectiveness of Investigation in the Sphere of Digital Currencies Received as a Result of Online Financial Crimes, Money Laundering and Other Criminal Activity (photos)According to the analysis of one of the internationally renowned companies in the field, the overall circulation of crypto currencies in the Republic of Armenia in 2022 has made more than 9 billion USD, the significant part of which were criminal or risky transactions.