02.04.17, 17:47

In response to observer’s call; camera which belonged to cultural center located in polling station N 9/47 was not running

In response to observer’s call; camera which belonged to cultural center located in polling station N 9/47 was not running

In the result of investigation conducted in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of the RA Investigative Committee it was found that the additional camera located in polling station N 9/47 belonged to Deaf and Dumb Center and was out of order.

It was earlier informed that the publication inserted in the website “” was received in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts informing that in polling station N 9/47 the observer Hayk Marutyan told the journalists about violation of voting secrecy. According to him, he noticed a camera, as well as a window behind the polling booth of the polling station.

In the result of measures taken in the Investigative Division of Kentron and Norq-Marash administrative districts of Yerevan Investigative Department of the RA Investigative Committee it was found that on April 2 at 06:45 the head of precinct electoral commission and proxies of candidates went to polling station N 9/47 located in Deaf and Dumb Center operating at Ye. Koghbatsi Street, Yerevan where they carried out checking actions. In the result of these actions it was found that there are not other people in the polling station and the camera of the cultural center fixed to the ceiling of the polling station was not running. After all this at 08:00 they opened the polling station and the voting started.

On the same day at about 09:30 Hayk Marutyan who was an observer in the polling station visited the polling station, noticed the camera and the transparent glass on the right side and told about providing the secrecy of voting. Though the camera of the cultural center was not running, it was closed with a polyethylene sheath and the transparent glass with a paper.

Explanations were taken from a number of people, including the observer of anti-corruption organization “Transparency International”, proxies of “Yelq” alliance, “Armenian National Congress” party who stated that the camera was not running.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.