26.03.24, 12:13

In the Result of Searches Conducted within Criminal Proceeding on Terrorism Committed in Nor Nork Police Division Weapon-Ammunition, Schemes, Documents Found; Motions on Initiating Criminal Prosecution against 3 Persons Submitted

In the Result of Searches Conducted within Criminal Proceeding on Terrorism Committed in Nor Nork Police Division Weapon-Ammunition, Schemes, Documents Found; Motions on Initiating Criminal Prosecution against 3 Persons Submitted

A criminal proceeding was initiated in General Department of Investigation of Crimes against the State, Fundamentals of the Constitutional Order and Public Security on entering the Nor Nork Police Division of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs, threatening and explosion committed by a group of people on March 24, 2024 at about 17:00, according to the Points 7 and 8 of the Part 2 of the Article 44-155, the Part 1 of the Article 308 and the Part 2 of the Article 335 of RA Criminal Code. In the result of the investigation conducted by cooperating closely with the RA National Security Service and the Police of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs the following was found out;

S.H., V.G. and A.M. having anti-authoritarian views, in order to disrupt the activities of public authorities, to force the officers of Nor Nork Police Division of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are state servants, to perform their duties, as well as to force them to carry out their requirements, on March 24, 2024 between 17:00 and 17:15, with two illegally procured hand grenades at each of them entered the administrative building of Nor Nork Police Division of the RA Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Threatening to blow up the building, demonstratively holding the above-mentioned grenades in their hands, including those already brought to combat condition, they demanded that the police officers on duty should release those holding the same views as them, open the door of the duty station, give them the weapon kept there and vacate the building which was accompanied with danger to deprive those in the mentioned building of life, to cause heavy damage or damage of medium gravity to their health, to cause pecuniary damage in large amount and to cause other grave consequences.    

They faced the resistance of the police officers and under these conditions the grenade kept by A.M. fell in front of the duty station of the police division. As a result of the explosion the entrance door of the administrative building of the police division, window glasses, walls and ceiling of the duty station, the property located there were damaged.

As a result of the explosion V.G. and A.M. received bodily injuries and were taken to medical center, and S.H., going on with the actions aimed at their criminal goal, with the grenades in his hands threatened for about 2 hours to blow up the administrative building of the police division and carry out a revolution in the RA. However, the latter was neutralized and disarmed by the officers of the RA Police and the RA National Security Service.

S.H.. and V.G. were arrested on the base of reasonable suspicion on the crime committal envisaged by the Points 7 and 8 of the Part 2 of the Article 44-155, the Part 1 of the Article 308 and the Part 2 of the Article 335 of RA Criminal Code,  it was not possible to arrest A.M. due to his health condition.

In a very tight time frame large-scale investigative and other procedural actions, among them interrogation of over dozen people, were conducted by the investigative group.

By permission of the courts and with the help of the RA National Security Service and the RA Police, 23 searches were conducted in the residences of the mentioned persons and a number of persons related to them, as well as at the area serving as the office of the organization «National Democratic Pole».

As a result of the searches documents and items of interest for the investigation, among them weapon, ammunition, plans, schemes, masses like narcotic drugs and other items, were found and taken. Particularly, 2 combat grenades and numerous documents and items of interest for the investigation were found at the area serving as the office of the mentioned organization.

Within the framework of the proceeding forensic explosive technical, forensic chemical, material, construction, merchandising, forensic medical, forensic biological and other expertises were commissioned.

Motions were submitted to the prosecutor to initiate criminal prosecutions against S.H., V.G. and A.M.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.