25.12.18, 14:38

Inspection Commissioned in “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC to Find out Investment Efficiency, Real Volume of Theft, New Criminal Manifestations Disclosed, Charges Pressed

Inspection Commissioned in “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC to Find out Investment Efficiency, Real Volume of Theft, New Criminal Manifestations Disclosed, Charges Pressed

Active investigatory actions are conducted within the criminal case investigated in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee to find out all circumstances of apparent abuses recorded in “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC, the frame of those possibly related to them and to personalize the actions of each of them.

Particularly, through investigation it was found out that by the RA Government’s decision N 83-Ա of February 7, 2008, on February 13, 2008 a concession agreement “On Passing the Armenian Railway System to “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC created by “Russian Railway” OJSC was signed between “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC and “Russian Railway” OJSC in the face of the RA Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies with the right to use RA railway infrastructure for 30 years. By another contract signed in the same period 2447 units of fleet were transferred to the Concessionaire ownership for about 849 million AMD with condition of repurchase preference.

According to the agreement “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC was committed to make investments for improvement of infrastructure and fleet in the order and measures prescribed by the agreement - 122,3 milliard AMD for infrastructure and 52.2 milliard AMD for fleet improvement (174.5 milliard AMD tantamount to 575 million USD which is 360 million AMD at current exchange rate).

Through preliminary investigation of the criminal case data were obtained on abuses in the investment process by “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC. By the investigator’s decision inspection was commissioned to find out the real volume of abuses, the efficiency of using investment funds, the legality of using funds resulted in management of concession assets and fleet and the specialists of Financial Supervision Inspection of the RA Ministry of Finance were instructed to conduct inspection for 2008-2018 in “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC.

Besides, through comprehensive investigation data were obtained on other apparent criminal manifestations, as well.

Particularly, pursuant to initial data, metal wiring looms were stolen from power transformers in “Soviet” and “Yeghvard” substations of “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC. In the result of appropriate measures it was found out that the mentioned thefts had been committed by the relevant employees of “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC. Moreover, it was found out that in one case the competent people knew about the theft committed by the employee under them, demanded and received bribe from him to conceal the theft and to avoid any legal action.

On the base of the sufficient evidence obtained through the criminal case charges were pressed against those who had committed theft, demanded and given bribe.

Preliminary investigation is ongoing. The criminal case is multi-episoded and voluminous, 10 years’ activity of “South Caucasian Railway” CJSC is being investigated, efficiency and legitimacy of investments of about 110 milliard AMD is being examined. Investigatory, procedural, operative-intelligence measures are taken within the criminal case by the investigative body to find out circumstances significant for the case. On the base of the obtained evidence appropriate criminal legal assessments will be given to the actions of those having committed apparent abuses and additional information about them will be provided.  

It was earlier informed that during preliminary investigation of the criminal case data were obtained on apparent abuse of official authorities by Deputy Minister of the RA Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technologies and a new criminal case was initiated in the RA IC General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 of RA Criminal Code. The criminal case was sent to the RA Special Investigatory Service according to investigatory subordination.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.