11.07.15, 11:44

Investigation conducted to find the circumstances of the death of 4 year-old child

Investigation conducted to find the circumstances of the death of 4 year-old child

In the framework of the criminal case investigated in Armavir Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee measures are taken to find the circumstances of the death of a 4 year-old child.

On June 16, 2015 an infant resident of the village of Norapat of Armavir region, a pupil of the kindergarten of the same village, Erik born on 30.08.2010 was taken to the infection ward of “Armavir Medical Center” CJSC with acute intestinal infection. On the same day the unconscious child was taken to “Saint Mary” medical center.

According to the conclusion N 96/հ of forensic examination the child was diagnosed with “acute intestinal infection, hypothermic shock” which was accompanied with coma, it developed by the influence of “Shigella” microbes found through bacteriological examination of the faeces thus heavy damage threatening to life was inflicted to health.

On June 26 a criminal case was initiated in Armavir Regional Investigative Department of RA Investigative Committee according to the Part 2 of the Article 277 of RA Criminal Code (breach of sanitarian and epidemic regulations which negligently caused heavy damage to health or human health).

During preliminary investigation of the criminal case it was found that on July 3 the boy died in “Saint Mary” medical center without gaining consciousness. All the documents of his medical examination were required from the medical center.

During preliminary investigation the victim’s father Sergey Amirkhanyan submitted an application to the investigative body in which he expressed a desire to implement the rights and duties of his dead son in the framework of the criminal proceeding.

Necessary investigatory measures are taken to conduct comprehensive and objective investigation, to find the causes of the disease and death of the child.

Additional information on procedural decisions made on the base of the results of preliminary investigation will be provided.