28.09.23, 12:30

Materials of Criminal Proceeding on Apparent Corruption-Related Abuses Committed in "Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University" Foundation Sent to Court

Materials of Criminal Proceeding on Apparent Corruption-Related Abuses Committed in "Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University" Foundation Sent to Court

Preliminary investigation of the criminal proceeding initiated on corruption-related abuses, swindling of the entrusted property in particularly large amount and money laundering committed in "Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University" foundation was completed.

In the result of investigative and procedural actions conducted in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee, it was grounded that from 2014 Armen Ashotyan holding the position of the RA Minister of Education and Science, and starting from April, 2015 the chairman of the board of trustees of “Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi” foundation, performed actions against the interests of the state and the foundation, organizing swindling in particularly large amount and money laundering. He also induced the official to abuse his official authorities.

Pursuant to data obtained through preliminary investigation, in May, 2015 “Heratsi” trade union was founded by the employees of “Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi” foundation, and A. Ashotyan’s friend M. Simonyan was elected to the post of the president of the union. In June, by the decision of the board of trustees, M. Narimanyan was elected to the post of the Rector of the university after which on October 1, 2015 K. Harutyunyan was appointed to the newly opened position of the vice-rector for finance of the university.

Then A. Ashotyan induced the Rector of the University M. Narimanyan to use his official position against the service interests; that is through direct sale, without purchase procedure and without confirmation of the board of trustees to buy the right to construction of two apartments from “Tsovasar” hotel complex owned by Ishkhan Saghatelyan’s family, with whom he was in friendly relations, at 36.994.000 AMD, in total. Moreover, the mentioned apartments were not necessary in any way and until 2018 were not used by the University, they remained in the property fund of the former owner and were used by the latter and the University paid the maintenance fees for these apartments – 53000 AMD each month, 1.664.200 AMD, in total. It negligently caused “Yerevan Mkhitar Heratsi State Medical University" foundation pecuniary damage in particularly large amount - 38.658.200 AMD, in total.

Then organized by A. Ashotyan, with the intent to commit swindling in particularly large amount by squandering the money in particularly large amount owned by “Heratsi” trade union, M. Narimanyan reached agreement with the chairman of the same organization M.Simonyan on transferring the mentioned money to “Heratsi” trade union, on acquiring the right to construction of apartments with this money from V.Saghatelyan, the director of “Tsovasar” hotel complex of “Navasar” LLC at higher than market prices. Then M.Narimanyan assigned the chief accountant of the Foundation L.Parseghyan to make the appropriate changes.

In order to realize his criminal intention, with A. Ashotyan’s knowledge and permission, on September 1, 2015 M. Narimanyan, in violation of the requirements of the Charter of the university, without the confirmation of the board of trustees, on behalf of the University signed a memorandum on cooperation with M. Simonyan, pursuant to which the Medical University was committed to charge 0.5 percent of salaries of the member-employees of the union and transfer to the union. Besides, the University was committed to transfer the amount collected in the employees’ social support fund at the moment of signing the memorandum without mentioning the amount of the money.

On the base of the mentioned memorandum 185.606.000 AMD was transferred to “Heratsi” trade union from the University thus, swindling money in particularly large amount with A. Ashotyan’s knowledge and M. Simonyan’s support.

In order to involve the money in particularly large amount, which had in a criminal way become the property of “Heratsi” trade union, in legal circulation, in this way concealing its criminal origin, “Heratsi” trade union, in the face of the chairman M.Simonyan, on December 21, 2015 signed four formal contracts with V.Saghatelyan – the director of “Tsovasar” hotel complex on sales of the right to construction of real estate. Based on them the union acquired the rights to construction of 4 apartments with different surfaces at several addresses of plot 5 of street 9 of Norashen community of Gegharkunik region at 86.192.000 AMD, in total, as well as the basement area as a sports hall worth 66.300.000 AMD as of the day of signing the contract, at significantly higher than market price - 99.414.000 AMD. However, they were not used by “Heratsi” trade union or the Foundation in any way until 2018 and were actually in the property fund of the previous owner.

After legalizing the money procured in a criminal way, on May 19, 2017, pursuant to the agreement reached between A. Ashotyan and V. Saghatelyan, in order to conceal the circumstance that A. Ashotyan was actually a shareholder, A.Barseghyan, A. Ashotyan’s driver, friend was registered as 50 percent shareholder of “Navasar” LLC. The latter formally signed a forged promissory note on making investment in the amount of 240.000.000 AMD with the director of “Nacasar” LLC which was not implemented in future.

Besides, the Rector of the University M. Narimanyan with the support of the chief accountant L.Parseghyan used his official position against the service interests and did not perform his service duty. Particularly, being obliged to organize and monitor the payment of additional wages, bonuses to the employees of the Foundation, in accordance with the law, he made their payment in violation of the requirements of the law. As a result, 788.525.195 AMD was paid to 20 employees of the University from the additional wages in the amount of 1244951068 AMD paid totally between 2015 and 2018.

Besides, M.Narimanyan, being the Rector of the University, assigned the chief accountant of the Foundation L.Parseghyan to transfer a total of 78,011,311 AMD additional money to "Heratsi" trade union organization between June, 2015 and December, 2016 stating the membership fee as the goal, as well as based on the reports addressed to him by M. Simonyan on the need to provide money under various pretexts, without proper documentation and legal grounds. As a result, M. Narimanyan with L.Parseghyan and M.Simonyan’s support, swindled property in particularly large amount entrusted to him.

Then with the intent to commit money laundering from the above mentioned swindled money - 78.011.311 AMD through fake transactions and to carry out the conversion of 16,800,000 AMD, organized by the vice-rector for finance of the Foundation K. Harutyunyan, the director of “Heratsi” trade union M. Simonyan and R.Davtyan, the actual manager of “Arev-Shin” LLC, signing an agreement on allegedly provision of the rest of 224 employees of the University, organized the transfer and conversion of the money  of criminal origin in particularly large amount having a goal to conceal and distort its real nature and criminal origin. As a result, R.Davtyan cashed out the money and gave to K.Harutyunyan.

On the base of the obtained facts charge was pressed against A.Ashotyan according to the Part 2 of the Article 38-308, the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 38-179 and the Points 1 and 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 38-190 of the RA former Criminal Code (which correspond to the Points 2 and 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 46-441, the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 46-256 and the Points 2 and 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 46-296 of RA current Criminal Code). Detention was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

Charge was pressed against M.Narimanyan according to the Part 2 of the Article 308 (2 counts), the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 179 (2 counts) of the RA former Criminal Code (which correspond to the Point 5 of the Part 2 of the Article 441 and the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 256 of the RA current Criminal Code. Absence ban and mortgage were used as a pretrial measure against him.

Charge was pressed against M.Simonyan according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 38-179 (2 counts), the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 190 (2 counts), the Part 1 of the Article 325 of the RA former Criminal Code (which correspond to the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 46-256, the Point 3 of the Part 3 of the Article 296, the Part 1 of the Article 457 of RA current Criminal Code). Detention was chosen s a pretrial measure against her which later was replaced with absence ban, mortgage and suspension of office.

Charges were also pressed against the chief accountant of the University L.Parseghyan and the LLC director R.Davtyan.

Preliminary investigation was completed and the materials on the part of the mentioned persons, with the bill of indictment, were sent to court.

Preliminary investigation on others’ part is ongoing.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.