14.09.14, 10:52

Murder in the village of Gugarq

Murder in the village of Gugarq

On 18 September, 2014 the Police Station of Gugarq received an alarm informing that a robber had intruded into the house of the resident of Gugarq village A. Ashughyan, aid was needed.

Receiving the alarm the operative-investigative group immediately left for the scene. On the floor of one of the bedrooms of the house the body of the resident of the same house H. Ashughyan with cuts on her neck was found.

The latter’s nephew R. Ashughyan was taken from the scene to the medical centre of Vanadzor with injuries on the left half of his chest. A criminal case was initiated in Investigative Division of Gugarq pursuant to the Part 1 of the Article 104 and the Part 1 of the Article 112 of RA Criminal Code.

By the investigation and operative-intelligence measures the person who had stabbed the Ashughyans with a sharp-edged tool was identified. He was found on 19 September on the stairways of the basement of the high school of Gugarq with cuts and wounds on the left part of his chest and was taken to the medical centre of Vanadzor.

The latter as well as R. Ashugyan are in Intensive Care Unit under police supervision.

Preliminary investigation is under way.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.