01.12.21, 06:13

Preliminary Investigation of Case on Swindling in Particularly Large Amount Completed

Preliminary Investigation of Case on Swindling in Particularly Large Amount Completed

In the result of large-scale investigative and other procedural actions conducted in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the RA Investigative Committee circumstances of swindling in particularly large amount committed by the LLC director were found out.

Pursuant to factual data obtained through investigation, under the pretext of pledging somebody else’s property in particularly large amount in the bank and carrying out joint commercial activity with the loan received for the pledge, the LLC director using reliable relations with his 39 year-old friend, offered to pledge the property located in Baghramyan Street, which belonged to his friend’s wife and the latter’s sister under the right of joint ownership, and with the received loan to participate in the profitable business program  taken up by him.

In order to realize his criminal intention and conceal the actions the LLC director prepared and presented a business plan on purchasing and operating machines for printing on paper cups and other items to the friend, his wife and the latter’s sister creating an illusion that due to his connections there would be no problem in sales and the received profit would be enough to pay the loan ahead of schedule as well as to receive large income.

In order to control the financial resources expected from the alienation of the property right which belonged to another person and later to possess them, extorting their agreement with false promises and taking factual control over the alienation of the possession right of the above-mentioned property, under the loan agreement of December 21, 2012 by pledging the mentioned property the LLC director received loan for 257․000․000 AMD depriving the sisters of the right to possession of the property in particularly large amount - 160.000.000 AMD. Then he gave false information to his friend on the allegation that the bank had not given the necessary amount for the business activity, he had refused to take the offered amount and the property had not been pledged.

39 year-old man, his wife and the latter’s sister later found out that the mentioned property located in Baghramyan Street had been pledged and demanded that the LLC director should release and return it. However, the latter tried to gain time for several reasons. Then giving a false promise to return the property he offered his friend to take the loan to another bank. The latter thought that this opportunity was real and on August 14, 2014 under the following pledge agreement the mentioned property was taken to another bank. However instead of releasing the property from pledge the LLC director received additional loan for 257.117,58 USD and did not fulfill his loan obligations. As a result, the sisters were deprived of the property worth 160.000.000 AMD which belonged to them under the right of joint ownership.

On the base of the obtained sufficient evidence charge was pressed against the LLC director according to the Point 1 of the Part 3 of the Article 178 of RA Criminal Code. Signature not to leave was chosen as a pretrial measure against him.

Preliminary investigation was completed and the criminal case with the motion to confirm the bill of indictment and send it to court was sent to the prosecutor.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.