07.07.16, 13:36

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on the incident that took place at the entrance of the yard of the RA second President Robert Qocharyan’s detached house completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on  the incident that took place at the entrance of the yard of the RA second President Robert Qocharyan’s detached house completed

Preliminary investigation of the criminal case initiated on  the incident that took place at the entrance of the yard of the RA second President Robert Qocharyan’s detached house is completed in General Department of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases.

Through preliminary investigation sufficient data were obtained on the allegation that on April 15, 2016 at about 18:25 32 year-old Hovhannes Muradyan drove in a car registered in his father’s name to the main entrance of the yard of the RA second President Robert Qocharyan’s detached house and threw a training grenade towards the security post disrupting the work of state security officers.

Besides, through inspection, conducted on April 18 in H. Muradyan’s apartment in the order defined by law, drug of “tetrahydrokannabinol” type in significant amount was found in his personal items and confiscated.

On the base of the obtained evidence on April 20 charge was pressed against H. Muradyan according to the Part 1 of the Article 258 and the Part 1 of the Article 268 of RA Criminal Code.

During preliminary investigation a writ was received from “Avan Mental Health Center” CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health informing that Hovhannes Muradyan has been registered in the center with diagnosis of “Schizophrenia, paranoid form” since 19.09.2014.

Stationery psychiatric examination was commissioned against him by the investigator the implementation of which was tasked to experts of department of stationery forensic psychiatric examination of “Nubarashen” psychiatric hospital of the RA Ministry of Health.

According to the conclusion N 34 H. Muradyan should be found irresponsible for the incriminated act, while committing the offence, he could not, as well as currently he cannot realize the danger of his actions, control them. He cannot participate in judicial actions in his current mental state, he is socially dangerous for himself, as well as for others, he needs compulsory treatment in psychiatric ward of special supervision.

On the base of the obtained evidence the investigator made a decision to send the criminal case to court to use compulsory medical measures against the person who had committed actions forbidden by the RA Criminal Code in the state of insanity.

Note; Everyone charged with alleged crime offence shall be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law.